PDFUnlocker is another cool tool from our contributor, Neeraj Jaiswal. Recently he had released the tool, Keychain Recovery for MAC. . PDFUnlocker is a FREE tool to remove the lost password of PDF document and completely unlock all its features. If you have ever lost or forgotten the password for your PDF document or if […]
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Category: Computer Security
Released TwitterPasswordDecryptor – Firs
On the lines of our recent release of FacebookPasswordDecryptor, today we are putting up another password recovery tool targeted towards Twitter. . This special release is dedicated to WikiLeaks for exposing the Bold & Bitter truths of Diplomatic world. TwitterPasswordDecryptor is the FREE tool to instantly recover Twitter account passwords stored by popular web browsers. […]
Book of the Month – Malware Analyst’s Co
“Malware Analyst’s Cookbook” is the latest master piece in the Malware Analysis field which covers almost all facets of the subject from all possible angles. I haven’t seen any book like this which covers everything that Malware Analyist will ever need starting from basics to advanced analysis. . . Here is the core information about […]
New Tool – HashCompare : File Integrity
Recently we had released our first hash based tool called HashGenerator – a universal hash generator tool supporting around 14 hash algorithms. On the same lines today we are releasing another new tool, HashCompare which is a file integrity comparison tool. . HashCompare performs Hash based integrity comparison using any of the the popular hash […]
New Tool – KeychainRecovery : MAC Keycha
KeychainRecovery is the first ever Mac based tool published on SecurityXploded.com. Created by our new contributing author, Neeraj Jaiswal who drives immense pleasure from his research work. . Neeraj is the founder of www.technimi.com – Technical Networking website which he has started recently. Being a Mechanical Engineer his work in computer field has always been […]
CryptoCode: Create SHA256 Hash using Ope...
In the previous CryptoCode series articles, I had written about generating MD5/SHA1/SHA256 hashes, encryption/decryption algorithms using Windows Cryptography functions. Today I am writing about creating SHA256 hash using OpenSSL’s Cryptography Library. OpenSSL is very popular library providing SSL & Cryptography based functions which is consumed by top softwares. OpenSSL library is FREE to use in […]
New Tool – FacebookPasswordDecryptor
Though I missed the first day show of ‘Harry Potter & Deathly Hallows’ today, I wanted to ensure that I release our next big tool, FacebookPasswordDecryptor on the name of Harry Potter !. It has always been fascinating to read as well as watch Harry Potter series in full of magical action and adventure ! […]
CryptoCode: Index of All Crypto Articles
Recently I had been writing about code samples for demonstrating the usage of various Cryptography functions such as generating MD5/SHA256 hash generation, encryption of password based on the key, BASE 64 encoder/decoder etc. Here is the index of all those Crypto articles and associated tools. . Crypto Articles CryptoCode: Generate MD5 Hash using Windows Cryptography […]
Crypto Code: Base64 Encoder
In previous posts I had written about Base64 decoder and other hashing algorithms using Windows Cryptography functions. In this post I will write simple C program for BASE64 Encoder. . Due to its simplicity BASE64 has become very popular choice for simple encoding of the passwords or other sensitive data. But due to its trivial […]
New Tool – HashGenerator
HashGenerator is the FREE universal hash generator tool which automates the generation of 14 different type of hashes or checksums. It support most of the popular hashes including MD5 family, SHA family, BASE64, CRC32, ROT13, RIPEMD, ALDER32, HAVAL, WHIRLPOOL etc. It also supports ‘Drag & Drop interface’ which allows you to quickly drag files onto […]