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Launched Our New Portal, PasswordAnalyti...

Launched Our New Portal,

Finally we have made it after missing all the deadlines that we have set for our self, but finally its there. We have been announcing on the Twitter and other social channels since quite long but for one or other reason it got postponed. We just wanted to make it better rather than making it […]

Released ChromePasswordDecyrptor v2.0 fo...

Released ChromePasswordDecyrptor v2.0 for Latest Chrome Version

ChromePasswordDecyrptor is the Free tool to recover login passwords from Google Chrome browser. It automatically detects the login database file used by Chrome based on the version and recovers all the stored passwords. Chrome earlier used to store the passwords in a Sqlite database file called ‘Web Data’ . But with recent version it has […]

Released StreamArmor 1.1

Released StreamArmor 1.1

StreamArmor 1.1 is out now with couple of bug fixes and few other changes related to minor enhancements. StreamArmor is the sophisticated tool for discovering hidden alternate data streams (ADS) as well as clean them completely from the system. It’s advanced auto analysis coupled with online threat verification mechanism makes it the best tool available […]

Detecting ‘Slow Dll Hijacking’ Vulnerabi

Detecting ‘Slow Dll Hijacking’ Vulnerability using DllHijackAuditor

‘Dll Hijack’ vulnerability is one of the recently highlighted critical security issue affecting most of the popular Windows applications. Every day researchers are discovering more and more applications which are vulnerable to various forms of ‘Dll Hijacking’ and at the same time attackers have started exploiting these vulnerable applications. . In that event, we had […]

Update on Upcoming Release of SpyDLLRemo...

Update on Upcoming Release of SpyDLLRemover & StreamArmor

We have been busy working on lot of things amid of next major release of SpyDLLRemover as mentioned in previous posts. We also planned for minor update on StreamArmor. Here is the brief update on each of these tools. SpyDllRemover 4.0 We were right on schedule for last week mega release of SpyDllRemover but due […]

Released DllHijackAuditor v2 with New &

Released DllHijackAuditor v2 with New & Smart Interception Engine

DllHijackAuditor is the FREE tool to Audit against the  DLL Hijacking Vulnerability for any Windows application. This is recently discovered critical security vulnerability affecting most of Windows systems. Currently large number of applications are currently susceptible to this vulnerability which can allow any attacker to completely take over the system. . In the first version […]

Presenting DllHijackAuditor – Smart Tool

Presenting DllHijackAuditor – Smart Tool to Audit Dll Hijack Vulnerability

DllHijackAuditor is the FREE tool to Audit against the  DLL Hijacking Vulnerability for any Windows application. This is recently discovered critical security issue affecting almost all Windows systems on the planet. It appears that large amount of Windows applications are currently susceptible to this vulnerability which can allow any attacker to completely take over the […]

Released SpyBHORemover 2.5

Released SpyBHORemover 2.5

SpyBHORemover (previously called BHORemover) is the advanced tool to explore and eliminate malicious BHO’s from the system. BHO stands for ‘Browser Helper Objects’ which are plugins written for ‘Internet Explorer’ to enhance its capabilities. Often this feature is being misused by many spyware programs to monitor user’s browsing habits and to steal the users credentials […]

DLL Hijacking Exploit – All at One Plac

The web is full of recent DLL Hijacking Exploit after HDMoore and other security researchers have reported about numerous Windows applications suffering  from these flaws.  Here I have decided to put together simple version with all the relevant links at one place so that one gets the complete picture. . What is DLL Hijacking Vulnerability […]

Unleashing VASTO – A Virtualization Asse

Unleashing VASTO – A Virtualization Assesment Toolkit

VASTO is the first of its kind toolkit designed to asses the security of various Virtualization solutions including VMWare and Xen server.  It is implemented as set of modules which can be integrated into Metasploit , the popular penetration testing framework.  This makes it very easy for pen testers to directly integrate VASTO with their […]