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As in the matrix, Everything which has beginning has an end, something similar happened to the matrix theme based milw0rm.com, the top exploit publishing website. Created in 2003 by a hacker who is known as ‘str0ke’, milw0rm.com has served the exploits for around 6 years and it has been popular source of exploits for the security community. |
Here is the final snapshot of milw0rm.com
The creator, str0ke has put the following note citing his busy schedule as reason for the close down…
Well, this is my goodbye header for milw0rm. I wish I had the time I did in the past to post exploits, I just don’t
. For the past 3 months I have actually done a pretty crappy job of getting peoples work out fast enough to be proud of, 0 to 72 hours (taking off weekends) isn’t fair to the authors on this site. I appreciate and thank everyone for their support in the past. Be safe, – /str0ke
Finally site was completely down yesterday just few days after the final note appeared on the site.
This sudden and mysterious closure of popular security website has raised the eyebrows of almost everyone in the security world. As per the DNS records, milw0rm was registered up to year 2014, so there was no need for sudden close down even though creator has no time to work for it. The site would have taken life on its own with so many security passionate people ready to assist …
As always truth will never go unnoticed and yet another time the big fish has stuck to pull down another security website which was causing it the big pain since long time
But again the big fish’s end will come sooner or later since “Everything which has the beginning has an end”.
[update 9th July 2009 5:12 pm GMT ]
Surprisingly Milw0rm.com has come up again with all the previous notes removed and already new exploit is published today. Looks like str0ke got up from dream
check this… http://www.inj3ct0r.com/ looks jus like a replica but still we will miss str0ke., nice person