SecurityXploded along with “Packt Publishing” is launching a online campaign to give away FREE copy of the latest book “BackTrack 4: Assuring Security by Penetration Testing”. This is the new book to be featured on all round Penetration Testing aspects of latest edition of BackTrack – beautiful & powerful security distribution !
Update [17th May 2011]: BackTrack Book contest is closed now and winners are announced on this special post.
Here is your rare chance to PWN a prized copy of BackTrack book and shield it beside your favorite Backtrack 4 DVD. Top 3 winners around the world will walk away with prized copy of this latest book , one print copy and two eBook copies – delivered straight from publisher.
How to Participate in the Contest ?
Contest is very simple, You just need to participate in one or more of the below mentioned activities and get as many reward points as possible to remain on top.
- Post your Comment on Book Page [ 5 Reward Points ]
What do you think is the best thing you will learn from this book out of the many points listed on the book page and leave your answer (2 lines are enough) in the comment section [below this blog post].
- Write your Feeling on Winning this book [ 5 Reward Points ]
Write on “How will you FEEL” on winning the prized copy BackTrack 4 book directly from publisher. Write those comments (2 lines are enough) on our Facebook page [Search or scroll down for post with title “Win Your Copy of BackTrack 4: Assuring Security by Penetration Testing Book” and pour your thoughts there]
- Tweet this blog post [ 5 Reward Points ]
Be a part of this winning campaign and Tweet this post (click on tweet button below – it will still show zero, don’t worry about it )
Each of the activities will get you five Reward Points and participating in all the three activities will get you additional 10 bonus points. You are welcome to write as many comments as possible and creative answers will have higher possibility of taking you to the top!
Note: Any attempt to spam or automated participation will shed water on your hopes. Use the same ID in all the above activities else it will be termed as different person.
Winning Criteria
Top 2 winners will be decided based on their total reward points & creative answers. Third winner will be based on lucky draw from all of the participants. In case we have tie or end up with more than 2 contestants for top 2 positions then there will be lucky draw for them too. If we end up with just 3 participants then our task easier
Note : SecurityXploded & Packt publishing will jointly decide on the winner. One Print copy will only be provided to the winner who reside in USA or Europe. Other two winners will receive an e-copy of the book from publisher.
The deadline for this contest will end on 15th May 2011 (GMT). So hurry up and make your mark before others take on.
Winners will be announced on this blog page as well as on our Twitter/Facebook channels.
Good Luck and we will wait for 3 winners who will walk away with their prized copy of this book worth 50$.
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