As we approach the finishing line of next major release of SpyDLLRemover v4, we are planning to open it for private beta testing. The main goal is to figure out as many issues as possible and receive early feed backs from the community. We want to prevent any silly issues showing up after we hit the release and then making up for it.
So we thought of taking a proactive action to open up our next mega version of SpyDllRemover for few private beta testers. Being a part of it, you will get a first glimpse of this mega version and the great opportunity to contribute your role in making of SpyDllRemover. Also you will stand a highest chance to join our growing analytics group and work with some of the elite members in the security community.
[Update: 25 Sep 2010] SpyDllRemover v4_Beta testing is completed, Fixing issues now. Thanks to all the beta testers !
[Update: 23 Sep 2010] SpyDllRemover v4_Beta is now out for testing. If you are interested do let us know. Also let me know if you have registered but not received your copy.
Here are some of the new features of SpyDllRemover v4
- Advanced Online Threat Verification using VirusTotal, ThreatExpert, Process Library and now Google Search also.
- Right click context menu option for all the lists to quickly choose the right actions such as remove dll, kill process, online verification, open folder, open file in various editor, view properties etc
- Improved Auto-Analysis to significantly reduce the manual analysis and false positives.
- Option to open the DLL/EXE with Notepad, WordPad, UltraEdit or any of your favorite application (such as PEditor) for extended analysis.
- New options dialog to control general settings.
- Advanced report generation with all running process/dll lists for all the reports.
- Special heuristics for process analysis of malicious programs in addition to user land Rootkits.
- Detection of legitimate programs and marking them GREEN to help in quick analysis.
- Fully Re-sizable window for better usability and analysis
- Enhanced look & feel with new banner (no spider now
) , new icon , smaller buttons, better icons etc.
There have been some changes since we have announced it in our previous posts, mainly we will be adding advanced report generation for scanner as well as process viewer reports. Also we will be dropping on the integration of ‘Dll hijack auditor’ for this release as we already have standalone tool, DllHijackAuditor for the same purpose. We thought of putting the same time on other pending and much needed features in this version itself rather than differing it. If there is a need and demand from the community then we can integrate the same in the next minor version. Also the process level heuristics have been added which will help in catching the most of spyware processes in addition to user land Rootkits.
We welcome you to be part of this private beta testing of this major version of SpyDllRemover. To participate you have to just drop us a mail to me [tnagareshwar at gmail dot com] with subject line as ‘Private Beta testing of SpyDllRemover’. Please note that we will not be able to take up everyone as we are targeting only few private beta testers for this time.
The requests will be served on first come first serve basis. Also note that we don’t expect high from our beta testers, anything a single bug or any feedback on further improvements are more than sufficient. Once you are enrolled into the program, you will receive a private copy of SpyDllRemover with all necessary instructions.
We heartily invite you to seek this opportunity before any one else and be a player in the beta testing program of this mega version of SpyDllRemover !
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