F-Secure has announced new Reverse Engineering Challenge for the summer assembly event. The challenge is very interesting and neither easy nor difficult. It has 3 levels, at each level you have to find out email address which will take you to the next level.
The challenge was announced a day back and already 18 people including me have completed it. Though I could not make up to top 3 spot, I am happy that I have completed the challenge in between busy office schedule…
Once the challenge is over, I will post the answers here.
—- Update : 14th August 2007 —-
Since the khallenge.com website is offline and automated email system is not working anymore, its difficult to know if the answer is correct or not. Here are the final email addresses for different levels of challenge
Level 1 ThisIsAsm07REC@khallenge.com
Level 2 LuckyNumberIs_30503343_FSC@khallenge.com
Level 3 gr8skillz@khallenge.com
You can find complete solution with detailed analysis at zairon’s blog… http://zairon.wordpress.com/2007/08/06/f-secure-reverse-engineering-challenge-2007-solution/
You can find the current stats and details of the challenge here http://www.khallenge.com/
So give it a try and see where do you stand….!
– Nagareshwar
hi & Congratulations on solving
i’ll be looking forward for you answers to the challenge.
Thanks azmo..I will post the answers soon, just did not want to spoil the fun for others.
By the way I found your blog interesting as well…
Have a great day
Unfortunately someone else has already posted the solution to the F-Secure challenge, and hence the challenge will be flooded with bogus solutions from people who don’t know what they’re doing. What a shame.
The challenge was a lot of fun though wasn’t it
Nice site!
It was indeed. However now it does not matter as automated email system is taken off. That’s why F-Secure have posted all the binaries on the net directly. Now it will help the others to verify if their solution is correct or wrong…
The website http://www.khallenge.com/ is still down and i didn’t download the challenge, if any one has a working link that would be great, just to have a look.
OJ my friend, its nice to see you here
hi again, i found a mirror to download the challenge, http://www.f-secure.com/security_center/asm.html
Since the challenge is over, they have taken down the server khallenge.com and also automated email system won’t work. So you need to verify the answers with some one who has already finished.
I think its time to post the answers…
Well…a geek named Zairon has already posted the complete solution along with steps required to solve all the levels…..You can find it here
Hey Azmo, I followed the link from your blog