Recently we have announced our new initiative “Mentorship Programme” in which we will mentor/guide the students on Security Research projects.

For more information please visit our Mentorship Programme page.

To apply to this Mentorship Programme, aspiring students have to fill Mentorship Programme Application form. Please download the application form from here.

Application form is divided into two parts

1) Basic Information
2) Screening Questions

#1 Basic Information – In this section students have to fill their basic information like name, University/college name etc.

#2 Screening Questions –  This section is containing 10 screening questions. Selection will be based on the answers to the screening questions. After shortlisting the applications,selected applicant will get an interview call for final selection.

The final list of selected students will be announced on our website and a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the selected candidates.

Students from the same university or college can send their application forms in a RAR/ZIP file.

Important Information:

  1. Last date to apply for the programme is 15-june-2012 (15/06/2012).
  2. Send your application form to:
  3. Keep the subject name: [your_name or college/university name]Mentorship Programme Application Form
  4. Please don’t type anything in the email body.
  5. Final list of selected students will be announced on 30-June-2012 (30/06/2012)

For additional queries or questions please discuss on our Mailing List.

— Amit Malik